Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weight Loss - A Journey, Not A Destination

After months of indecision and procrastination, I went back to Weight Watchers yesterday (1/8/2011).  I hadn't been satisfied with my weight loss for the year (I guess, any loss is better than no loss or worst as gain), so I decided to get back to basics and re-discover a program that has worked well for me so many times before.

My 1st success with Weight Watchers was in the early1990s (in my early 30s and still early in my career that my time was my priority).  I lost more than 60 pounds and was s close to my college weight than I had ever been.  I was very diligent and consistent, incorporating a significant amount of physical activity in my daily routine - working out at least 2 times a day about 3-4 times week. I also had a very good support system behind me - there were several co-workers whom I attended Weight Watchers with and worked out with during lunch.  I was certainly in a good place/space/time for managing my weight.  Unfortunately I got a new job (a promotion in another state) - and back on the weight loss roller-coaster ride!

Perhaps a significant marker in my weight loss journey was in 2005.  I returned to Weight Watchers and for three years, I managed to lose and keep off about 40 pounds.  Mind you, I was now more than a decade older - with forces acting upon me, both internal (due to the passage of time - a much slower, and less efficient, metabolism) and external (a failed marriage, a demanding work schedule and a serious knee injury) which certainly didn't make weight loss easy.  I must digress here - the failed marriage ended an unhealthy relationship, the demise of which  probably had a very positive impact on my weight loss; but that is a story for another time.

Then I took up running/jogging in late 2008 and since doing my 1st race in January 2009, my Weight Watchers attendance began to slip.  The races were mostly on Saturday mornings (the same day I was attending Weight Watchers meetings); while I could attend different meeting times, my Saturday morning leader was absolutely the BEST, so attending any other meeting won't be the same (right).  In 2010, I attended only one meeting.  While I did manage to lose about another 20 pounds over the course of 2009 and 2010, it was definitely due to my increased activity level (running 37 races of varying distances - from 5Ks to half-marathons).  But still that much running should have resulted in far greater weight loss, correct?  Well, not if your eating and nutrition aren't aligned accordingly. 

This may sound like a shameless plug for Weight Watchers, so be it.  You don't have to join Weight Watchers - but their principles are tried and true.  What's more - why do people return?  Because we fall off the wagon and Weight Watchers can certainly put you back on track.

Hope you will follow my journey!

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