Monday, May 19, 2014

MONDAY'S MEDS: THE DOCTOR'S IN! (5/19/2014) - Battling Cellulite

When I saw this article on WebMD - "Can You Beat Cellulite?", I had to read it.

The author opens, acknowledging that every woman, regardless of size - and even some men, has it.  That was somewhat re-assuring but disappointing, at the same time.

First, the article briefly explains what cellulite is and options for reducing it, improving the appearance of it, but not eliminating it.  The article notes there is no cure - yet another disappointment.

How can you battle cellulite:
* Losing weight
* Caffeine and retinol
* Endermologie (massage)
* Non-surgical procedures such as machines that use lasers and radiowaves
* Surgical procedures such as Cellulaze

All these have the pros and cons - but all with one unmistakable fact - cellulite can be reduced, but it can't disappear.  Hopefully science will find a way - :).  Until then, you can learn more on how you can beat back cellulite, read Can You Beat Cellulite?

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