Sunday, May 6, 2012

Double the pleasure, double the fun!!

Well, today (5/5/12) was a 2-fer day, of sorts.  First, this morning I ran a 5K.  Then tonight I did a hike through part of one of the local nature trails (Ruffner Mountain).

I didn't think it was going to be a good one for me -  my knees initially were not cooperating (I did a little to much dancing the night before).  Plus, there were more hills in this 5K.  And the humidity this morning was bad.  Despite all, I was pleasantly surprised with my time:

STATS (unofficial - still waiting on official results to be posted to website)
3.23 mi, 45:73 (pace - 14:07/mi), 621 cal
Mile 1 - 14:28
Mile 2 - 28:11 (29:11)
Mile 3 - 42:33 (14:22)
Mile 3.23 - 45:37 (13:10)

And I capped the night with a wine & cheese hike.  The humidity for much of the hike felt more unbearable than this morning.  The wine did help some and we chilled out at the overlook area for quite awhile,  I didn't use the GPS app on my phone so I didn't get the exact distance or elevation, According to the guide, the trail was about 1.4 mi one way, so the trail in its entirety was 2.8 mi.  According to the trail maps posted on the website, the trail peaked at the overlook at 1104 ft.  It took about an hour up the trail (and probably a little longer going back down as we sobered up - LOL!).  I was certainly ready for that hot soak when I got home!!!

PS: We did get a few views of the supermoon!


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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Here @Trussville Mall for Casey's Cause 5K - its not gonna be a good run. Knee is stiff and achy. Too much dancing @ the 80a party last night.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Battled the humidity to do a tempo run & the humidity won

Well, I attempted a tempo run this evening, but the humidity didn't cooperate. Also, the route I took this time had more hills (at least more elevations) than I usually run - which was a good change. I walked 5:00, then ran 5:00 - for almost 40:00.  I really wanted to walk 5:00, then run about 10:00-15:00, but I just couldn't run more than 5:00 at a time.   I was soaking wet with sweat when I finished!

I'm still using a workout tracking app on my phone (Adidas micoach), which syncs your workouts online on the website - Adidas micoach site.  It's not as versatile as most of the high-end GPS trainers/fitness watches - but it does give you some very good stats.   Here's a screen shot of one of the graphs generated for my run this evening:

I would highly recommend the site to anyone who doesn't want to/can't afford those watches.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Decided to try something different tonight at the gym - did the kickboxing class, and for 60 intense minutes, I sweated like I was running full speed on the treddy.  Too bad the class is offered only once a week.

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