Tuesday, December 31, 2013


About this time last year (2012), I had a few goals for myself:

1) Lose 50 lbs
2) Look absolutely sexy in my Rock N Roll Goddess outfit
3) Sustain a sub-14:00/mi pace
4) Finish a marathon
5) Learn to swim

With a new year upon us, I'm taking a few moments to reflect on these goals:

1) Lose 50 lbs - I didn't, but I have managed to keep off 15 lbs since the beginning of 2013 when I joined Weight Watchers.  

2) Look absolutely sexy in my Rock N Roll Goddess outfit - Well, since I didn't achieve #1, I haven't attempted to try on this 'little' outfit.

3) Sustain a sub-14:00/mi pace - Serious knee problems during the year (coupled with the lack of weight loss) has not allowed to me attain this goal. 

4) Finish a marathon - I started training to run a half marathon in September (and even considered completing a 'trifecta' - 3 halfs in 3 months), but I had to cut my training short and do therapy due to my knee problems.  So finishing a marathon was not likely this year.

5) Learn to swim - Lessons at the Y aren't cheap (about $100 for members), but still I could have. Given the problems with my knees, this would have been a great workout alternative.

Conventional wisdom tells us to succeed at achieving goals a person may make those goals specific and achievable.  With the exceptions of #3 and #4, these goals would be achievable for me.  So how did I fail?  Another tip of conventional wisdom is to develop a plan to take on your goal. I had plans to achieve the remaining 3 (I joined Weight Watchers to lose weight and I joined the Y so I could get swim lessons at a reduced rate).  But I was not consistent in executing my plan(s).  Admitting to your defeats doesn't make you a failure - it makes you stronger and prepared for greater rewards!

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Cardio + a little strength training

I really didn't want to go to the gym this evening - it was cold, I was sleepy, YADA, YADA, YADA.  I'm certain I could have found many more excuses not to go, but I made up my mind and I'm glad I did.

I started with cardio  - high-intensity intermittent exercise on the exercise bike ('bike sprints') - 8 sec 'high' speed riding followed by 12 sec recovery for 20 min (4.34 mi, 70 cal, avg HR 118, avg speed 13 mph).  That really gave my lower half a good workout.

I followed up with some upper body strength training on the weight machines:

Exercise  - wt/reps/sets
* Pecs - 25/15/3
* Rear deltoids - 25/15/3
* Vertical press - 25/15/3
* Tricep extensions - 30/15/3
* Biceps curls - 20/10/3
* Deltoids (shoulders) - 10/5/3
* Biangular chest press - 25/10/3

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MONDAY'S MED: THE DOCTOR IS IN! (12/30/2013) - The Flap Over Multivitamins

We've all heard on the news and read articles lately about new medical research that is debunking the benefits of multivitamins.  The story that has sparked the recent debate is an editorial in the December 17, 2013, Annals of Internal Medicine*. The conclusions and recommendations by the editorial's authors were based on reviews of three articles in the medical journal related to research on the efficacy of multivitamins.  In all 3 articles, large populations of participants were studies (thousands) over multiple trails and years.  Several key points were raised in  the editorial:

"Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided".
"...Supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful". 
"... β-carotene, vitamin E, and possibly high doses of vitamin A supplements are harmful. Other antioxidants, folic acid and B vitamins, and multivitamin and mineral supplements are ineffective for preventing mortality or morbidity due to major chronic diseases."  The effects of over-supplementing - particularly with antioxidants - were further magnified by a December 17, 2013, CNN interview by Anderson Cooper with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Travis Stork of "The Doctors" TV show.

Of course, those in the multivitamin and supplement industry do not agree with this editorial, nor the findings of the medical research report in the journal.  An industry executive, John Shaw of the Natural Products Association, noted in the Wall Street Journal article's "Multivitamins Found to Have Little Benefit"  that "... many consumers don't the recommended nutrients from their diets only, and multivitamins and mineral supplements are an affordable alternative."  But this statement is not surprisingly, because this is a huge - in effect - multi-billion dollar industry:  a January 2013 National Institute of Health report found that in 2011 US sales of multivitamin and mineral supplements was $5.2 BILLIONThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in April 2011 (cited in CNN Health News) that more than 50% of Americans were taking dietary supplements - including multivitamins, minerals and herbs.

While the authors of the Annals of Internal Medicine editorial closed the door on any further clinical study on the preventive health benefits of vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and other antioxidants, the debate over the benefits of vitamin D remains open.  This was noted in particular for deficient populations, such as the elderly. The authors noted that there were mixed results from studies on using vitamin D supplementation for fall prevention so additional investigation to clarify its proper dosing is warranted.  However, the authors noted further that the "current widespread use [of vitamin D} is not on solid evidence that benefits outweigh harms".

In the final analysis, most experts are agreeing that multivitamins have no medical benefit.  However, that may be some instances in which individuals may be deficient in a specific vitamin, and as Drs. Gupta and Stork noted in their CNN interview,  so individuals should consult and follow their doctors' advice.
*NOTE - Because the Annals of Internal Medicine article is targeted at the medical community, it may be difficult to read and follow for the layperson.  I found a very good article on the WebMD site that is written for the layperson to understand and enjoy - check it out: Experts: Don't Waste Your Money on Multivitamins

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Workout Week Preview: 12/30/2013 - 1/5/2014

Monday, 12/30/13 - Cross training
Tuesday, 12/31/13 - 2 mi run
Wednesday, 1/1/14 (HAPPY NEW YEAR) - Rest
Thursday, 1/2/14 - 3 mi run and strength training
Friday, 1/3/14 - Cross training
Saturday, 1/4/14 - Stretch and strength training
Sunday, 1/5/14 - 4 mi run

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Friday, December 27, 2013


Ladies, Bring Your A-Game!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013




Monday, December 23, 2013

Virtual Run Updates on Blog

Check the Soles Racing Against Cancer Virtual Run page often for updates and new on the run!

MONDAY'S MED: THE DOCTOR IS IN! (12/23/2013) - Spot Reduction Doesn't Work (and Less Effective Exercises)

Have saddle bags? Think targeting exercises to a specific body works?  Think again.  This WebMD slideshow gives the skinny on some common exercise myths: WebMD Slideshow: Slideshow: 7 Risky Exercises and Better Bets

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Late Night (12/16/13) Report on Strength Training

This evening at the gym, I focused on my legs:

Warm up
15:05 on elliptical:
0.86 mi, 64.7 cal/machine (111 cal on heart rate watch)
Avg speed - 3.4 mph
Avg HR - 115

Routine (wt/reps/sets)
* Ball squats (NW/10/2)
* Seated leg curls (25/20/3)
* Seated leg extensions (12.5/15/3)
* Seated leg press (50/20/3)
* Glutes (20/10/1)
* Leg curls (12.5/10/3)
* Outer thighs (70/20/3)
* Inner thighs (70/20/2)


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Breezy Afternoon Walk

Lost GPS signal on watch about the last 5 min of walk; so stats are approximate:
3.25 mi, 50:00 (15:38/mi).

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

When It's This Cold, You Have To Take It Inside!

This evening, my coworker and I took it to the gym (just too cold).  Took a short walk on the dreaded 'treddy':

* 3.1 mi, 45:58, 440 cal/heart rate watch (machine - 397 cal)
Avg pace 14:81/mi, 4.05 mph

*Total stats
3.28 mi, 50:58, 475 cal/heart rate watch (machine - 416 cal)
Avg pace 15.31/mi, 3.86 mph
110 ft climbed
137 avg HR

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Workout Week in Review: 12/9/13 - 12/15/13

Pre-NYC Half Marathon Training Conditioning
Mon, 12/9/13: Stretch & strengthen
Tues, 12/10/13: 3.5 m "run"
Wed, 12/11/13; 30 min cross training
Thurs, 12/12/13: 3.5 m "run" + strength training
Fri, 12/13/13: Rest
Sat, 12/14/13: 5K (Jingle Bell Run)
Sun, 12/15/13: 30 min cross training

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Advice for a Fellow Arthritis Sufferer

I've registered to participate on the American Cancer Society's DetermiNation NYC Half Marathon team in March 2014. So I decided to search the internet to find a beginner runner's training program that wasn't only focused on running, but also incorporated cross training and other forms of exercise. I found one that looks like what I am looking for: Hal Higdon's Novice Half Marathon Training Program.  The program included 2-3 days of cross or strength training.  

As a beginner runner, I neglected to include this in my training, and I do believe the lack of cross and strength training contributed to my knee troubles.  I was always subject to becoming a victim to arthritis (having several family members with it, myself having a major knee injury years ago, and being overweight).  All I wanted to do was run.  Occasionally I did some strength training, but it was a regular part of my workout routine.  As my knees have hampered my running, I have come to appreciate the benefits of cross and strength training. 

You may want to run, but more importantly, you should strive to keep moving! 

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Good Week (12/2/13)

Down 6.2 lbs total for the past 4 weeks (including 0.4 lb weight loss Thanksgiving week).

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