About this time last year (2012), I had a few goals for myself:
1) Lose 50 lbs
2) Look absolutely sexy in my Rock N Roll Goddess outfit
3) Sustain a sub-14:00/mi pace
4) Finish a marathon
5) Learn to swim
With a new year upon us, I'm taking a few moments to reflect on these goals:
1) Lose 50 lbs - I didn't, but I have managed to keep off 15 lbs since the beginning of 2013 when I joined Weight Watchers.
2) Look absolutely sexy in my Rock N Roll Goddess outfit - Well, since I didn't achieve #1, I haven't attempted to try on this 'little' outfit.

3) Sustain a sub-14:00/mi pace - Serious knee problems during the year (coupled with the lack of weight loss) has not allowed to me attain this goal.
4) Finish a marathon - I started training to run a half marathon in September (and even considered completing a 'trifecta' - 3 halfs in 3 months), but I had to cut my training short and do therapy due to my knee problems. So finishing a marathon was not likely this year.
5) Learn to swim - Lessons at the Y aren't cheap (about $100 for members), but still I could have. Given the problems with my knees, this would have been a great workout alternative.
Conventional wisdom tells us to succeed at achieving goals a person may make those goals specific and achievable. With the exceptions of #3 and #4, these goals would be achievable for me. So how did I fail? Another tip of conventional wisdom is to develop a plan to take on your goal. I had plans to achieve the remaining 3 (I joined Weight Watchers to lose weight and I joined the Y so I could get swim lessons at a reduced rate). But I was not consistent in executing my plan(s). Admitting to your defeats doesn't make you a failure - it makes you stronger and prepared for greater rewards!
Labels: fitness, goal setting, half marathon training, knee pain, marathon, New Year resolution, swimming, therapy, weight loss goal