Friday, April 26, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
How Cowardly!!
Today I'm not posting about myself - I am posting to pay remembrance to the victims, prayers for the survivors and family, and honor to the brave men and women who took care of the injured and fallen at the Boston Marathon.
And to the coward(s) who perpetrated this despicable deed ...
Be prepared to feel the full weight of American justice!
Labels: 4/15/2013, Boston Marathon, Boston Marathon 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Double Duty Day
Today I pulled double duty by walking at lunch then jogging after work.
Having only 30:00 for lunch, a co-worker and I walked about 2 miles (1.94 mi - per my smartphone GPS app - Trimble Outdoors AllSport GPS). It certainly was hot at noon, but we managed to get through it. Since I'm training for the Statute to Statute 15K in less than 2 weeks, we hit a couple of hills.
I used the Trimble App this time since the app generates some neat charts and graphics to analysis your workout - you can actually retrieve them from the Trimble website (unlike the Adidas micoach which generates charts and graphs as well, but only on your smartphone).
Apparently I didn't get enough 'punishment' at lunch since another co-worker and I took a long jog after work. Again we followed most of the hilly course we took on Monday and added a little more distance (6.2 mi, 1:48:00, 987 cal - distance and time based on co-worker's Garmin and cal based on my fitness watch).
(OH that Epsom salt hot soak was so G-O-O-D!!!)
Labels: 'smart fitness tracker', 15K training, Adidas micoach, Garmin, hills, performance, physical activity, smart phone GPS app, Trimble Outdoors AllSport GPS, walking
Anyone who says Pilates is easy is C-R-A-Z-Y!
I think the title says is all. Tonight at the Y I thought I would try something different. I need to slim down and firm up my middle so why not Pilates I said to myself. It was a real workout for me. This was be my 1st Pilates class. It was not your typical class because the instructor incorporated tools like exercise balls, exercise rings, and Bosu into the routines. By the end of the 1-hour class I could really feel the burn. The only bad thing is that the class is offered only once a week. I definitely will be back for more!
Labels: core exercise, Pilates
Monday, April 8, 2013
ELEVATING MY TRAINING (training run #2 for Statute to Statute run)
Well, I jogged this afternoon after work with one of my co-workers. I told her that my goals today were 2-fold: distance and hills. I wasn't as much concerned about my time as I was with these 2 factors. I haven't gotten in much mileage in the last couple of weeks (rain, cold, illness, work, etc.) and my 15K (Statute to Statute - which is a very hilly course I have been told) is a couple of weeks. So if I had any chance of even finishing that race, I really need to crunch up the miles and the hills.
Well, I think we really gave ourselves a great workout. My favorite GPS app on my phone won't boot up (Adidas micoach) so I relied on my co-worker Garmin watch (looked like she had the FR70 (has most features I think I would use - my co-worker since very impressed with it).
5.54 mi, 1:33:00 - not bad at all!
Labels: 15K training, Adidas micoach, Blackberry smartphone, Garmin, hills, jogging, Just Finish. performance, smart phone GPS app
Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Family That Runs Together Stays Together!
This past Saturday (4/6/2012), I ran my 1st color run (The Color Run 5K Atlanta). I ran it with one of my sisters-in-law and niece. It was their 1st run (a 5K no less), so I didn't push it too hard and stayed with them for most of the run. Besides, there was no clock. It was more about the fun. We stopped to take pictures at every color 'pit'. I was very glad that they came out - not only to support me, but to run with me as well. They plan to run a few more color runs this year. I'm hoping I'll eventually get them into a timed run.
Labels: color run, family fitness, jogging, physical activity, The Color Run, walking
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Well, after a very surprising finish at last Saturday's 5K (finished Rumpshaker in 43:41, a 14:05-/mil pace - the official chip time), I've turned my attentions to a run that I been advertised as the South's TOUGHEST 15K - the Ellis Porch Statute 2 Statute 15K Run. I have been told by those who have done the race describe the course as very hilly - as the race starts and finishes at two ionic landmarks in the city. I've been trying to find a course map online so I could at least drive the course so I would know what to expect. I've started working on increasing my distances and elevations in my training runs - this afternoon's being the 1st such training run. I started a little later this afternoon that I had planned so I didn't go as far as I liked (only 3.6 mi) but I certainly increased elevations. Considering I think I did great - 3.4 mi, 53:11, (15:38/mil pace), 662 cal. Hopefully I'll find that course map online - the race is on the 20th of this month.
Labels: 15K training, hills, jogging, performance, running