Peachtree Road Race training - week #6 (4/29 - 5/5/12)
Last week was my 'bye' week, so it's back to the grindstone this week:
Sun, 4/29/12 - Rest
Mon, 4/30/12 - 40:00 tempo
Tues, 5/1/12 - Cross-train
Wed, 5/2/12 - Internal: 8 X 400
Thurs, 5/3/12 - Cross-train
Fri, 5/4/12 - 40:00 easy
Sat, 5/5/12 - Long run: 7 mi
(There's a 5K/10K this Saturday. Hopefully I can run the 10K.)
PS: According to my training plan, I should be on week 7 (long run 7.5 mi).
Tempo Run: Develops anaerobic threshold (critical for fast 10K racing). Warm up 5:00-10:00, then 15:00-20:00 near 10K pace (but not race pace - at pace where you're can't hold a casual conversation, but not gasping for breath), cool down 5:00-10:00.
Labels: 10K training, cross training, Peachtree training, physical activity, running, training