Hit the gym this evening after work for a circuit/weight training and cardio workout combo:
I found an article in an old edition of
Fitness Magazine (Feb. 13) on a simple circuit routine using commonly found gym equipment (the article is also online on the Fitness Magazine website -
Make the Most of the Weight Machines at Your Gym). The article states following the exercises in order and starting with 2 sets of 12 reps each. Since this was my 1st workout, I ended up not following the routine in order. Some machines were being used so I had skip them and come back to them later. I added a machine by mistake. And finally, I missed one machine altogether because I wasn't familiar with the layout in the gym and used a different machine only to find the machine I needed when I was leaving the workout area. I have the exercises listed in the order I did them (the order of the exercises as they are listed in the article is in parentheses):
Assisted Chin-up Machine - 180 # (2)
Pec Fly Machine - 20# (added in error)
Rotary Chess Press (in lieu of Incline Chest Press) -40 # (1)
(Photo courtesy of American Council on Exercise website)
Cable Machine Overhead Tricep Extension - 30# (4)
Lateral Raise Machine (isometric) - 10# total/5# each side (3)
Cable Machine Bicep Curl - 30# (5)
(Photo courtesy of Fitness Magazine website)
Leg Press Machine - 40# (6)
(Photo courtesy of American Council on Exercise website)
Prone Hamstring Curl Machine - 30# (7)
(Photo courtesy of American Council on Exercise website)
Cable Machine Standing Leg Lifts - 20#
(Photo courtesy of American Council on Exercise website)
Stability ball (with weight - FM calls for using a 5-lb plate weight; I used a 6-lb medicine ball)
Following the circuit training, I ended with cardio - high-intensity intermittent exercise on the exercise bike ('bike sprints') - 8 sec 'high' speed riding followed by 12 sec recovery for 30 min + 5-min cooldown (total 35:00, 6.52 cal, 172 cal)
Labels: cardio exercise, circuit training, core exercise, exercise machine, Fitness Magazine, high-intensity intermittent exercise, stationary bike, strength training